Welcome Pop Up Screen

👋🏻 Hello everyone & happy Monday!

I’m super excited 🤩 to share this project piece with you!
If you have the time, I recommend reading on. You might (hopefully) be pleasantly intrigued and provoked to start a conversation!
Also, I intend to develop this project on many screens and specs details, so if you like it, stay tuned 💜.


Some of you might remember me already sharing a few Harmony (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 shots - an alternative solution for a hero website as part of an older project. I wasn’t quite happy with the results but mostly because I was missing the full story and trying to fill in the blanks with random assumptions instead of a fluid story.

So, I decided to create a fictive use case scenario and remake the design entirely, with a completely new approach based specifically on that scenario (kept a few imagery elements still), and it goes as it follows:


The Company’s description is still the same: a digital agency that matches products to high converting traffic sources and offers user research services, provides target audience leads, consultation, etc.


Accordingly, to one of our stages of research, we found out from our online surveys that 85% of the users are either advertisers or publishers and only 15% was formed by random visitors or from somehow related fields. From a different survey run, we found out that they’re in an even bigger hurry than everyone else and they prefer selective content and quick interaction above everything else.
From our split tests (A/B testing) we figured out a few preferences they have & some details about their behavior when it comes to content, colors, vocabulary (even slang 😲), etc.

Design Keywords & Solution
Research - Usability & User Experience - Interaction - Information Architecture (I'm going to talk more about these in the next uploads)
The design solution: creating a Welcome Pop-up screen for 2 main options (switch button) which meets the majority of user's needs & desires for selective & dedicated dynamic content and quick interaction, and, continuing to find out more about the rest 15% of random visitors with a third action by adding their interest in the input box."

Hope you amazing & talented people 💜 like this, and as always, thoughts & constructive feedback is highly appreciated so don't be a stranger! Also, let me know if my description makes sense or if you see anything fishy 🐟!

Much love!

Crista Stanescu
🐳 I'll be darn, It's you! And me. Look at us interneting 👀

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