More "S", Less Duck

August 23, 2013

Here is an Idea by @Kenji Bankhead. I increased the border radius on the "s" shape. What do you think?

Which "S" is best? (Dusk Interactive)

August 23, 2013

So, I've had a couple comment that the "s" on the middle version of this logo isn't legible enough so I came up with a couple alternates. Personally I don't mind people having to work a little to see the "s" i kind of feel that it gives ...

Dusk Interactive Logo

August 23, 2013

So I'm starting my own company, Dusk Interactive. I'm hoping to make some kick-awesome stuff in the next year. Here is a logo concept that I've had in my head for a while. I want your feedback. What you think?

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Seth Jenks